Monthly Archives: October 2018

Top 5 Reasons Why YOU Should Attend Our Open House Oct 25, 2018

First Oakville Toastmasters is hosting their second Open House of the Year this Thursday, October 25, 2018 featuring a very special guest speaker, Roger Caesar, DTM.

If you have ever thought about attending a Toastmaster meeting, this is a great one to attend and if you need a little convincing here are the top 5 reasons why “YOU” should attend.


Roger Caesar is an award winning speaker and he will be our keynote speaker for the Open House.  He will be delivering a speech and presenting an interactive workshop.  You will learn some very helpful public speaking skills directly from Roger.  Roger is a Four-Time Toastmasters District Champion in public speaking, he is a Four-Time semi finalist at the World Championships and a 2014 Humorous Speech Champion District 86.

2.  Discover Toastmasters and our Club

Toastmasters is a non-profit organization that has existed since 1924.  It operates with clubs worldwide for the purpose of promoting communication, public speaking, and leadership skills.

First Oakville Toastmasters officially chartered in 1957.  For the last 61 years we have been a group of fun-loving, professional individuals from diverse backgrounds who take the Toastmaster program and our growth seriously.

3.  Do Something Different

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.”  Tony Robbins.

4.  Open The Door To Career Opportunities

Your fear of public speaking may be holding you back at work.  According to an article in Forbes, the fear of presenting is very real among professionals in corporate America today, so much so that many people are desperate to avoid it.

Why not stand out, and face your fear of public speaking and even conquer it!

5.  Be Our Guest!  It’s FREE

That’s right!  You can attend our Toastmaster club meetings up to 3 times in order to determine if this program and our club is a match for you.  By your third meeting you will have a good idea if this hands-on approach will work for you.


Join us this Thursday, October 25th, 2018 at 1494 Wallace Road, Oakville, ON.  7:30pm to 9:30pm.  (plan to arrive 10 minutes earlier to get settled in).

We are excited to meet YOU!

Alonso Mendizabal, First Oakville Toastmasters Club President
