Monthly Archives: May 2015

Last Meeting – First Class Event

It hardly seems possible that last night was our final meeting of this session of First Oakville Toastmasters. We’ll reconvene this September with a whole new executive and new goals and tons of fun.

Speaking of fun, the First Oakville Toastmaster Summer Party is coming in a few weeks and we expect to see you there.

At last night’s A+ General Evaluator rated meeting we had three absolutely fabulous speakers (and all the videos including evaluations are available exclusively to our members via DropBox) and three equally terrific evaluations.IMG_0163

Two of our speakers, Zulma Garcia (our incoming VP of Education) completed her 10th speech and has now achieved her Competent Toastmaster designation.

Zulma’s speech came as a surprise to her son Juan who was a guest as her speech was all about her love for Juan who is going away to university in British Columbia after the summer.

Another of our up-and-coming speakers John Boateng also did his 10th speech and he too has achieved his Competent Toastmaster designation with his excellent speech on reaching our goals. (In Photo above: (left to right) Zulma, Katherine Ryell our VP of Education and John.)IMG_0165

But the good times didn’t end there. Two of our members, Adrian Scott (our club president) and Mark Molder (our incoming VP of Membership) both received their Competent Leader designations. (In Photo: (left to right) Mark, Katherine and Adrian.)

And for the second time in a row, Toastmaster John Smissen was named IMG_0160Toastmaster of the Year. This prestigious award is based on an accumulation of points for designated achievements throughout the Toastmaster season. Congratulations to John for this well-deserved award.

(In Photo: (left to right) John and Adrian.)

Overall an amazing year capped by a great night which ended for many at a local bar where the festivities continued for an hour or so.


First Oakville

I was humbled to serve as your president this year for such a great club.  It was such a pleasure meeting and working with everyone of you each week.  I was not perfect but learned from every experience.

The club and executive support made the job so much easier.  I would like to thank all you for supporting us and attending and participating each week.  It is said a lot, and I suppose that members of other clubs think theirs are the best, but First Oakville is truly a great club.

Our greatest challenge this year as an executive was not the move in venue but getting response on if members were returning during the summer.  Please help Zulma in her new role as VP Education and Mark as VP Membership and respond to their inquires as to your educational goals and return status to the club.  While you are vacationing this summer and taking a break from Toastmasters, the new incoming executive are working hard through the summer planning the 2015-2016 season.

Thank You First Oakville for Making my Term so Great
Adrian Scott, President.

Congratulations To Outgoing Executive

President Adrian Scott congratulated his outgoing executive team in a warm and much-appreciated ceremony at last night’s meeting of First Oakville Toastmasters.

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After an acknowledged difficult beginning this year, President Scott and this group of executive members transformed club meetings ending this year with members turning out in record numbers to participate in exceptionally good meetings and contests.

Toastmasters, as newcomers soon discover, is so much more than just the popular public speaking educational program. Leadership and mentoring come into play as members mature in their roles and understanding of the Toastmaster program grows.

More than a few senior Toastmasters have claimed this 2014-2015 season was one of the best in living memory and all put the credit to the hard work and foresight of the executive group.

In photo from left to right: Zulma Garcia, secretary; Katherine Ryell, VP of Education; Luke Jin, Sgt.-At-Arms; President Adrian Scott; Brampston Gushway, VP of PR; Beatrice Ten-Thye, VP of Membership; and Ela Botos, treasurer.

Well done and congratulations to the outgoing executive team.